Apparently, according to the little people over here, a dog is a man’s best friend. Well, why wouldn’t we be? We’re smart, loving, great at filing and we are by your side no matter what (unless we see a squirrel, then we’re off!). But do you really know how far a dog’s loyalty will go? Some dogs became famous for displaying fidelity to their owners that goes above and beyond.
Take, for example, Scotlands most famous of loyal dogs, Bobby, a Skye Terrier (in my opinion, a low rent version of the Welsh Terrier – just saying), that belonged to John Gray, a night watchman who after death was buried in Greyfriars Kirkyard. Bobby stood guard for 14 years over his master’s grave until his own death. Today, Bobby’s headstone is at the entrance to the Kirkyard and he is better known as Greyfriars Bobby.
“Hmm … I think I’ll propose a statue of me at That Little Agency during our next AGM. I’m sure it would get approval from the board.”
“So what?” I hear you say. Well, whilst I have a natural in-built loyalty, you humans have to earn it. Just as you want your friends to be loyal to you, if you want to be a destination employer, you need your employees to be loyal to your company.
In today’s employment market, having a strong employer brand is more important than ever as it has changed from being just a talent attraction tool to a talent attraction and loyalty tool.
- Has your employer branding strategy evolved to reflect this change?
- How do you measure up to other companies as an employer of choice?
- How do your employees rate you on employer review sites?
- Would your employees recommend you as an employer?
The answers to these questions may surprise you, or they may not, but rest assured, you do need to know the answers. By putting employees first and being proactive about becoming a destination employer, companies have a better chance of attracting top talent and ultimately building employee loyalty.
Rumour has it that whilst I’m up to my collar in filing, my staff are working with other companies to find out the answer to these questions to help them develop their employer brand, build effective careers websites and shape their recruitment marketing strategies. And, apparently, the are quite good at it. There’s been a lot of talk about winning awards lately – honestly, how’s a dog to get any sleep in the office with all that whooping going on?
If you feel that you’d like some help, support or even a little chat around defining your employer value proposition, developing your employer brand or any aspect of your talent attraction strategy just drop us a line. After all, much of our best work has started with a cup of tea and a biscuit.